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To Save Everything ...

We Need


Our All Hands On Deck Moment

We are at a pivotal moment in our planet’s history. Our planet's vital life support systems and incredible diversity of life are under relentless threat. Overcoming the biodiversity and climate breakdown starts with re-imagining our relationship with our planet and understanding what is at stake.
Transformative change to protect our future begins with transforming our minds and imaginations  

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Our Mission

To inspire and mobilize a critical mass of people to get involved in solving the climate and ecological crises through visual and immersive media, humor, storytelling, art and other innovative tools of engagement


Our media and outreach campaigns aim to convert apathy and inaction into engagement and activism

What We Do


Create and disseminate compelling, outspoken, action-provoking visual media and outreach campaigns with a focus on art, music, humor and social shareability

Our Work


Support content creators, artists, students and communicators who are engaging the public in bold and innovative ways. Empower youth and communities on the front lines of climate change

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Create sustained media campaigns centered on inspiring social change and political mobilization. Amplify and support the work of aligned organizations

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Current Projects

Climate Video Contest

Use your voice and creativity to catalyze climate action!

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Theme: Intergenerational Dialog and Justice

"Hey Grown-ups!"

  • Youth and Parent Categories
  • Win Cash Prizes 

The Problem


What Existential Crisis?

Recent polls show that Americans rank climate change near the bottom of their list of priorities despite seeing the catastrophic impacts of the climate crisis. Almost two thirds of Americans rarely/never discuss climate change. More than half figured climate change as not very important to their vote in the 2020 elections.

This disconnect is a barrier to political action and implementing bold policies

"Tackling climate change is now as much a political and communications challenge as it is a scientific or technological one." 
- Sir David Attenborough

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Join Our Community!

We are building a community of creators, innovators, activists, and anyone who is passionate about our planet. Join us to collaborate, get support and multiply our impact

Contact Us
Find out how to get involved, ask a question, share something about yourself or what you are working on.
Coming soon: regular online meetups and Slack channel

Thanks for getting in touch!

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